Santhom Social Groups


Sat-Cit-Ananda is the social group, which runs a stationary shop meeting the everyday requirements of the seminarians. They use their profit for helping the poor.


Being true to its meaning, the social group renders its service to the seminary library as well as seminarians by running a binding unit. It helps the seminary library by binding the magazines and repairing old books, the seminarians by binding their seminar and dissertation. They spend their earnings for charity.


This social group helps brothers to take Photostat and are very helpful to the brothers, making available the study materials. They run a well maintained photostat unit. The money they earn is spent for different charity works.

Good Samaritan

Imbibing the spirt of Jesus and moved by compassion for the poor the good Samaritan social group provide various aids. During the 2018 flood, they rose up to full-fledged service. Dress Land is another venture under this social group.


Jyothis is an inevitable social group for the seminary, as they serve the seminary community by providing enough hosts for the daily Holy Eucharist. They also help both PVP and PDM by providing hosts.